Tidak banyak pengusaha yang memiliki komitment seimbang antara komitmen bisnis yang bersih dan komitmen sosial yang menabur kasih. Mr. Le adalah satu dari sedikit pebisnia yang berusaha melakukan upaya bisnis yang mengandalkan kualitas dangan bioteknology dan berbagai aktivitas aktivitas amal (Charity activities) yang peduli pada nilai-nilai kemanusiaan di seantero dunia. Trilogy nasehatnya untuk sukses dibisni : Jujurlah agar dapat dipercaya, Jadilah yang terbaik agar dapat bersaing, dan banyak-banyaklah beramal agar kita memiliki, layak dikedepankan ditengah gejolak dunia yang penuh sandiwara, dan doktri kapitalisme yang berusaha meraih keuntungan sebesar-besar untuk menumpuk kapital meskipun harus memeras tenaga kerja sebagai langkah efesiensi dengan jalan membayar murah sehingga pekerja sering melakukan demo untuk mendapat sekedar hak-haknya sebagaimana marak di Indonesia.
Berkaitan dengan itu, maka tulisan tentang Mr. Le dengan berbagai aktivitas amalnya, dan bagaimana mau berbagi dengan mereka yang bekerja sama yang terjalin dalam Jaringan Tiansi dunia, layak untuk menjadi masukan bagi kita semua, itulah pertimbangan mengapa pada edisi ini kami menampilkan tulisan tentang beliau.
Mr. Li Jinyuan adalah Anggota CEO Council dari World Federation of Direct Selling Association (WFDSA)
Selama 16 tahun ini TIENS sebagai perusahaan penjualan langsung yang terbesar di China, terus mengembangkan diri dalam upaya untuk mewujudkan misi dan visinya ke depan. Untuk menunjang hal tersebut, TIENS pun berpartisipasi dalam berbagai asosiasi terkait berkelas internasional. Diantaranya adalah menjadi anggota dari Federasi Asosiasi Penjualan Langsung Dunia atau World Federation of Direct Selling Association (WFDSA). Mr. Li Jinyuan, merupakan satu-satunya pimpinan tertinggi perusahaan yang berasal dari negara China yang duduk dalam CEO Council WFDSA tersebut, dimana sebagian besar anggotanya adalah pimpinan perusahaan asal Amerika dan Eropa.
Keikutsertaan aktif TIENS dalam berbagai organisasi-organisasi kelas internasional, menjadi salah satu bukti, bahwa TIENS ikut mendukung perkembangan bisnis penjualan langsung dan telah membawa reputasi TIENS di mata masyarakat dunia.

LOVE - Feel it, Create it, Spread it. Be the Excellent Enterprise Citizens
"While an enterprise is in its preliminary stage, it is the property of the owner; while the enterprise transforms into a multinational corporation, it should be the property of the society, the state and the people!"
——By Chairman Li Jinyuan
As a trusted corporate citizen, TIENS has witnessed grave situations, and adhered to a philosophy of corporate social responsibility. "Originating from society and therefore contributing to society" as the corporate charitable philosophy, TIENS is dedicated to the development of social charities in China and the world to feel love, create love and spread love. From focusing on disadvantaged groups and supporting education to protecting the environment and helping the poor, TIENS has attempted to make a contribution to the harmonious development of international society.
TIENS has consistently nurtured children's health and growth for years. In May, 2010, "TIENS Scholarship Program for Outstanding Students" was set up between Tiens Group and three universities, namely, Central University of Finance and Economics, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics and Tianjin University of Finance and Economics. In 2007, "Li Jinyuan Charitable Fund" was founded at China Charity with the investment of RMB 30 million. On May 26, 2005 TIENS donated RMB 10 million to the Chinese Red Cross Society to found the TIENS Charity Fund, and launched the TIENS Education Assistance Program and TIENS Western China Talent Cultivation Program to improve school conditions, promote the development of primary education in poverty-stricken and minority areas, and assist school leavers. In May 2002 TIENS donated 100 million Rupiah to Indonesian SOS Children Villages for the development of local SOS Children Villages. In June 2002 TIENS donated to the Ghana Children's Fund. From 2008 to 2010, Tiens Group has donated products valuing more than 1 million Rand and USD 100 thousand in cash to the children at Soweto AIDS Orphanage which help the improvement of the orphanage surroundings. The generous donations of Tiens Group have helped children all over the world maintain their health and happiness.
"Could I get mansions covering ten thousand miles, I'd house all the poor scholars and make them beam with smiles." said Du Fu, the great poet of the Tang Dynasty in Chinese history. This message guides Mr. Li Jinyuan to spread good fortune based on brotherly love to all citizens of the world. When the catastrophic floods in the Yangtze and Songhua Rivers happened in 1998, TIENS donated RMB 22 million to the people in the disaster area. When the SARS epidemic struck in the spring of 2003, Mr. Li Jinyuan, who was in Africa at the time, immediately returned to China, and held an urgent meeting the same night to donate RMB 3 million and healthcare products valued RMB 42 million. Money and materials valued more than RMB 23 million was donated to Wenchuan and other earthquake disaster areas in 2008. In 2010, the first donation valued RMB 7 million including money and materials was endowed to Yushu, Qinghai earthquake disaster area.
The love that TIENS has for mankind is a genuine friendship across borders. Where there is a disaster, TIENS is there to offer assistance. The tsunami produced a hell on earth for the people of Southeast Asia, where many families were broken up and without hope. Although the tsunami was merciless, humans were merciful. Under the leadership of Mr. Li Jinyuan, TIENS citizens donated approximately RMB 4 million to the disaster area.
It is common for TIENS to donate to charities of all races and ethnicities. Since 2003 TIENS has developed into a sophisticated charity with an efficient method of dispersing donations. TIENS Group founded the TIENS Meijing International Love Foundation in order to donate to public charities.
Up till now, TIENS has donated more than RMB 1.5 billion to social charities across the world. TIENS considers its charitable giving an all-embracing, border-crossing, never-ending duty.
11th March, 2011
Charity Activities in 2011
December 16
On December 16, Tiens Peru Branch Company proactively responded to the Group’s charity concept of “LOVE - Feel it, Create it, Spread it.”, and voluntarily organized an activity to give free Christmas presents and Tiens products to children in WAWA WASI, a kindergarten built by the Peru Ministry of Social Development, which is a great move to make these children feel that love can be found everywhere in the world, and the love and warmth of TIENS will be always together with them.
November 19
On November 19, the Tiens Africa Regional Annual Conference was held at Sandton International Convention Center in Johannesburg, South Africa in a grand style. At the meeting, Tiens Group donated to children in orphanages 10,000 Rand and Tiens health products equivalent to 200,000 Rand. TIENS also initiated a nationwide charity activity to “donate to AIDS patients in South Africa”, with an aim to call on the vast Tiens citizens to spread their love to AIDS children and make more people to show their love in the course of working for TIENS”, so as to spread the charity concept of “LOVE - Feel it, Create it, Spread it.” to each corner of the world.
November 12
On October 23, 2011 at 13:41 local time, an earthquake with the magnitude of 7.2 struck Turkey, leaving hundreds of people stuck in ruins, and over 2000 buildings destructed. On November 9, another earthquake with magnitude of 5.6 attacked the country, which killed many people and leaving many homeless. On November 12, the staff of Tiens Turkey Branch Company rushed to the most devastated disaster area, and visited the victims with quilts and foods, which made them feel the great love and sense of humanity of Tiens citizens.
November 8
Under the theme “Letting Music Enter Schoolyard, Adding Happiness to Growth”, “Tiens Music Classroom” charitable donation event, co-organized by Tiens Group together with TIENS Meijing International Charitable Foundation opened at Liaoning Grand Theater in Shenyang. Ms. Bai Ping, vice president of Tiens Group and president of Tiens Global Direct Selling Business Division, paid a special visit to the site of event; Ms. Wang Qian, principal of Tiens Boai Primary School, located in Linjiagou, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, teacher and student representatives from the primary school, leaders of Tiens Group, and Mr. Guo Feng, a famous musician, attended the event. Vice president Bai Ping presented Tiens Boai Primary School in Linjiagou, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, with an exquisite piano and some school supplies on behalf of Tiens Group. At the same time, excellent dealer representatives of Tiens Group presented the children with some sports equipment worth ten thousand yuan.
October 31
October 31 The “LOVE - Feel it, Create it, Spread it- 2011 Tiens Boai (in English, Boai means universal love) Education Supporting Plan” activity co-organized by Tiens Group and TIENS Meijing International Charitable Foundation was held in the headquarters of Tiens Group, i.e. Tiens International Health Industrial Park in Wuqing Economic Development Zone. Bai Ping and Yan Yupeng, vice presidents of Tiens Group, Li Yangwei, president of Tianshi College, teacher and student representatives of Tiens Boai Primary School in Ji County, Tianjin, and education supporting volunteers from Tianshi College participated in this event. 2011 Tiens Boai Education Supporting Plan will reach Ji County in near future.
October 12
On October 12, 2011, upon hearing the news that most regions of Thailand are suffering from the most severe flood disaster over the recent half century, Miss Bai Ping, Vice President of Tiens Group, President of Tiens Global Direct Selling Business Division, and Vice President of TIENS Meijing International Charitable Foundation, hurried to the National Command Center for Flood-Fighting of Thailand at Bangkok and, on behalf of Mr. Li Jinyuan, Chairman of Tiens Group, as well as all Tiens management team and business partners around the world, made a donation of THB one million (equivalent to RMB 200 thousand yuan) to the flood victims there, showing Tiens’ deep affection towards Thai people.
October 5
On October 5, Tiens Group Japan Branch carried out a series of supporting activities to the victims and affected areas of earthquake March 11, 2011 in Japan. This is the second time that Tiens Group had donated to earthquake-hit regions. Besides the fund provided by the Japanese Branch, the donation is commonly collected by Tiens distributors and employees all over the world. The total amount of the donation fund is about 7.2 million yen, which was donated to 「Social Welfare Legal Person and Central Authority Common Donation Foundation」.
In August, in order to improve the fire-fighting equipments of the Wuqing Branch Team of Tianjin Fire-fighting Bureau, and to improve the living and training quality of the officers, Tiens Chairman Li Jinyuan particularly donated RMB 100,000 yuan to the Wuqing Branch Team.
At the approach of the 16th anniversary celebration of Tiens Group, Tiens Group was officially approved to be a member of Business Alliance for Sustainability launched by WWF. The company will work with WWF to make contributions to China’s environmental protection cause.
July 26
On July 26th, according to the inspection of the environmental protection department in Mianyang City, the water quality in Jiangyou and Mianyang sections of Fujiang River does not comply with several indexes, causing emergency water demands of 200,000 people in Mianyang region. Thanks to the coordination of the leaders of Tiens Mianyang and Sichuan Branch Companies, they contacted the barreled water companies in Chendu to deliver the water at the night of July 26th, and hundreds of barreled water filled with the love and care of Tiens citizens reached local Tiens business partners on 27th, which is a good reflection of the devotion of TIENS in charity cause.
July 16
On July 16th, 2011, the charity activity of "Tiens Music Classroom" themed on “bring music into school; let children grow up with happiness”, sponsored by Tiens Group, was held at the Jincheng Theater in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province. Tiens Chairman Li Jinyuan was also present to donate a brand-new piano, many books and school supplies to the Tiens Boai Primary School in Baihe town, Nanli County, Gansu Province, which was funded by the group four years ago.
June 16
On June 16, Miss Bai Ping – Vice President of Tiens Group, President of Tiens Global Direct Selling Business Division, met with Abdullah, Minister of Bengal Food and Disaster Relieving and Preventing Ministry. Learning that Bengal is a country frequented by natural disasters, Miss Baiping, on behalf of Tiens Group, donated 200,000 takas to Bangladeshis affected by disasters. For Tiens citizen, this is another chance for them to send their love to others.
June 1
On June 1st, as in the past years, Tiens headquarters of the Central Asia Sub-region, European-Asian Region and Tiens Alma-ata Branch Company in Kazakhstan donated the charity funds of 0.5 million KZT, as well as a large number of stationary and candy contributed by the company staff and part of its business partners to the orphanage in Alma-ata, Kazakhstan.
May 28
On May 28, Shanxi Branch of Tiens Group, together with Shanxi Charity, sent their love and affection to children of Sanyuan County Dongzhou Welfare Home in presence of media such as Shanxi TV and ETV. Staff of Shaanxi Branch of Tiens Group and its business partners jointly donated 100 sets of articles for daily use, study articles, sports equipment, toys and other supplies to more than 100 children with the hope that those children could live a happy and healthy life.
May 26
On May 26th, when the ceremonial conference of the 5th anniversary of TIENS Burma Branch Company was held, Tiens Group Chairman Li Jinyuan had a nice talk with Mr. Wu Ruimin, Governor of Rangoon State. Meanwhile, Mr. Li Jinyuan also donated 10,000,000 Burma Kyat to the Burmese people for the prevention and cure of dengue fever and other dangerous diseases that frequently occur in monsoon under the management of the government, which reflected Tiens peoples charitable hearts once again, and the groups effort to spread its charity concept of "feel love, create love and spread love."
May 18
On May 18th, 2011, the 2011 Memorial Ceremony of Tiens Group China Region "May 18 Benevolence Day" was grandly held. At the ceremony, Tiens Group and China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation jointly launched "Tiens Big Hands Holding Small Hands Sight Regaining Plan". Meanwhile, leaders of Tiens Group decided to use part of the ticket income of this ceremony to build a Tiens loving-heart dinning hall for the children of Tiens Love School in Ji County, Tianjin.
May 17
On May 17th, one day before the Sixth TIENS Benevolence Day, the direct sub-region of Africa donated products worth 300,000 ZAR to the Soweto AIDS Orphanage in South Africa, which is the fifth donation activity held in this orphanage by TIENS in 3 years.
May 11
On May 11th, Tiens Nigeria Branch Company donated products equivalent to USD 6000 to the Lagos Deaf and Dumb Persons Federation, so as to help the disabled persons to recover sooner.
May 10
On May 10, 2011, the "Let Love Fly High-The Return Visit to Tiens Love School in Ji County, Tianjin, Guo Feng Piano Donation & Tiens Loving-heart Education Assistance Activity Launching Ceremony" co-sponsored by Tianjin Red Cross and Tiens Group China was held in Tiens Love Primary School in Bieshan Township, Jin County. Tiens Group cooperates with Guo Feng, the famous musician, donating teaching musical instruments and books to Tiens love schools and schools with demands around China and launching a series of activities of "Tiens Love Music Classroom". To express the loving heart of Tiens people and the dreams with music has also demonstrated Tiens philosophy and culture of charitable love. In the event, Tianjin Tianshi College was launched the loving-heart education assistance event to provide education and assistance for students of more Tiens love schools, and to sow love and hope in their hearts.
May 10
On May 10th, 2011, the whole staff of Tiens Latvia Branch Company in European Region, and part of Chinese in the country visited an orphanage in the capital city of Riga, and launched a charitable donation activity. The donations include ice chest, clothing, toys, specially designed toothbrush for disabled children, as well as other articles for daily use and food, with a total value of USD 2500.
March 24
On March 24, 2011, an earthquake measuring about 7.2 on the Richter scale ravaged Myanmar and caused casualty and severe property losses. Tiens Group donated 20 million kyats (converted into RMB 152,688 Yuan) to people in the earthquake stricken area.
March 11
On March 11, 2011, an earthquake measuring about 9.0 on the Richter scale ravaged Japan before triggering a tsunami. Tiens Group donated RMB 150,000 to Tiens Japanese partners affected by the earthquake at the very first moment to enable them to feel the warmth of Tiens great family.
Tianshi College
Invested by Tiens Group Co.,Ltd, Tianshi College was esblished in 1999 with the approval of Ministry of Education and then upgraded to an undergraduate institution in 2008. It is the only private higher-education institution in Tianjin. Under the governance of the board of directors with responsibilities lying on the dean, Tianshi College is chaired by Mr. Li Jinyuan, the Chairman of Tiens Group, and Lu Huansheng, former Vice Mayor of Tianjin, is the honorary dean.
With the objective to "cultivate senior practical talents for the whole country based in Tianjin", Tianshi College fully implements the scientific outlook on development, cooperates with enterprises by combining industry, college and research, and achieves all-round (moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic) development of students by focusing on nurturing senior practical talents, advocating quality-oriented education and developing technology application ability. There are eight faculties in the college including economics and management, electronics and computer science, foreign languages, art and design, biological engineering, automation, business and continuing education faculties. There are currently 12 bachelor majors including computer science and technology, electronic information engineering, marketing, financial management, English, art and design, animation, human resource management, labor and social security, automation, communications engineering and biological engineering, 12 higher vocational majors including marketing, electronic business, business management, computer network technology, computer applications technology, electronic information engineering technology, communications technology, business English, international trade practice, foreign-related tourism, computer art design and animated films. The college has more than 3,400 undergraduates from 23 provinces, cities and autonomous regions. The average employment rates of recent years have remained above 95%.
With beautiful environment and convenient transportation, Tianshi College has a powerful teacher resource and rich teaching experience. There are 231 full-time teachers, including 43 teachers with senior professional title (18.61% of all full-time teachers), 59 teachers with sub-senior professional title (25.54% of all full-time teachers) and 60 teachers with middle professional title (25.91% of all full-time teachers). 93 teachers have master's degree or above, which is 40.26% of all full-time teachers. The hardware environment of student apartments, canteen, multi-media classrooms, library, sports center, laboratories and gigabit backbone network in the campus has provided a solid foundation for talent production. In addition, Tianshi College has done considerable work in building extracurricular training bases. It has so far been cooperating with 28 well-known enterprises such as Microsoft and Tianjin Tiandy Digital Technology Co., Ltd to provide an easy access for students' practice, training and employment. Apart from higher education, Tianshi College is also devoted to provide social service. Under the approval of Tianjin Education Commission, the college offers adult higher education, and undertakes the program of online education and learning center of Tianjin University.
For the past 11 years since its establishment, Tianshi College has earned remarkable reputation for its strict education administration and good education quality. It has been awarded as "advanced private school of Tianjin", "civilized school of Tianjin", and "advanced unit of students' work of Tianjin".
Overall Airscape of International University(Click for the big picture)
TIENS Internatioanl Health Industrial Park, a nearly RMB 7 billion investment project of Tiens Group that covers an area of one square kilometers.The park integrates product research & development, pilot-scale experiments, manufacturing, global logistics, international marketing, international education and training, international tourism and seminar, international rehabilitation, fitness healthcare, and health management. By combining production, studies and research, the park has become a multifunction industrial park characterized by automated production and distribution, multidenominational warehouse storages, modernized operation, people-oriented management, and eco-friendly sustainable development. It provides broad space and serves as a demontration base for the development of Tianshi College by the way of cooperating with enterprises and combinining industry, college and research. It also offers a desirable amount of job opportunities for eminent students graduated from the college.
Up to now, Tiens Group has totally invested RMB 670 million in building Tianshi College, and plans to beef up the investment in response to China's policy to develop Tianjin Binhai New District to build an international university with an area of 3.2 square kilometres and a construction area of two million and one hundred thousand square meters that accommodate 30,000 students with 20 faculties and 120 majors.
Jadi jika anda membeli produk Tianshi, sebagian uang anda akan mengalir sebagai amal.
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