A lot of illnesses emerge during the transition period; thus we should strengthen our body immune by comsuming Cordycep sinensis Mycellium (MUNCORD) Capsules. This product contains of Chong Cao, made by parasitism symbiosis, which is well known as health supplement since thousand year ago. Cordyceps plays a role as a food supplement that fulfills the needs of body cells nutrition. By consuming Cordyceps, the defect body cells obtain nutrition to renew fulfills the needs of body cell nutrition. By Consuming Cordyceps, the defect body cells obtain nutrition to renew or regenerate naturally. In so doing, body will always have strong cells including immunity cells that protect it from illnesses.
Muncord have a lot of benefits; some of those are as follows :
Decrease the fats level in the blood
Increase body immune
Soothe infection or inflammation
Improve the function of lungs, heart and kidneys
Act as a detoxification of poison in the body
Agains the cancer
based on its benefits, Cordyceps are suitable for those who suffer from illness easily due to their low body immune, those who have breathing problems such asthma and bronchitis, those who suffer from kidney defect and urine duct, as well as those who are in the recovery period and have good prospect to increase the immune system of HIV/AIDS positive.
Tips to consume Cordyceps :
To Maintain health, consume Cordyceps a capsule twice a day during the first week. After that, take two capsules twice a day in the followong week.
During the recovery period, consume two capsules three times a day.
Take Cordyceps with warm water after meals so as to maximize the absorption in the body
During the medication treatment, allow 15-30 minutes to consume Cordyceps with doctor's medicines.
Infeksi HIV yang meruntuhkan system imunitas penderita, berpotensi dicegah perkembangannya dengan nutrisi yang terbuat dari anyaman hype (mycellium) dari salah satu jenis jamur yang terkenal dengan Cordycep sinensis (Muncord)
Mycellium Cordycep sinensis secara EMPHIRIK selama 5000 tahun telah terbukti bermanfaat di dalam :
- Meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh-
- Menghilangkan infeksi/radang (antibiotik alami)
- Memperbaiki fungsi jantung, paru-paru, hati, limpa dan ginjal
- Filterisasi dan detoksifikasi racun
- Mengatasi Kanker
Dengan demikian, ke depan, produk bioteknologi tingkat tinggi yang merupakan warisan tradisional adiluhung ini berpotensi dapat membantu saudara-saudara kita dari keterprukan imunitasnya akibat virulensi HIV yang saat ini epidemiloginya semakin mengkhawatirkan. Disamping itu, dengan manfaat-manfaat di atas, berbagai kerusakan jaringan akhibat infeksi sekunder seperti pneumonia,papilloma, dan infeksi sekunder lain juga dapat diperbaiki. Sehingga harapan untuk sembuh atau pulih kembali menjadi terbuka.
Bagi yang berminat tentang Informasi lebih detail tentang kehebatan manfaat dari fungi ini bisa anda peroleh dengan mengontak Do It So by phone +62878 777 85 989 atau 081384299729
Semoga informasi singkat ini dapat bermanfaat dalam menyongsong Hari AIDS 2009dan semakin peduli pada pencegahan dan penanggulangannya. Terima kasih.
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