Atlantis, the city called the great philosopher Plato and later found by the researchers stated Prof. Santos Arysio published in a book titled: Atlantis, The Lost Continent Finally Found a warm conversation. Through a variety of media discussions of Atlantis is very intense, including through the virtual world / internet.
For the Indonesian people this discussion is also very interesting because it relates to the heritage trail past history of the country "heaven world" nicknamed the Emerald Equator. Atlantis itself is the biggest mystery about a place that was never touched by modern humans. Stretch of land with a high civilization that sank several thousand years ago. Atlantis ultimately be remembered as a myth, an important ingredient for the continued reproduction of the story and tragedy through books and movies.
Modern Homo erectus
In December 23, 1996 edition, Time magazine covered the news of the Homo erectus 27,000 years old found in Java. The fact that Homo erectus was still alive until the period is not far from our time is the proof that being different is not a separate species, but the modern human race. Thus, historical evidence shows that on the island of Java has evolved modern humans at that time. Of course, with increasing time, the modern human culture is growing Java including livelihoods and social systems.
We all understood , that the belief of our ancestors, before the advent of large gamma religion to this country, is the belief of animism and dynamism, as well as the belief that respect for the ancestors who had gone to give offerings. Ancestors who had died at sea with the usual offerings were put or lay a wreath at sea (Nglarung). The ceremony is usually done by people on the south coast of Java island, who believe and respect the sea south of the ruler, known as Nyi Rara Kidul. Believed there was at the bottom of the sea, with symbols denoting the green fully symbolizes peace, fertility, and host / Eden, (look at the picture). This belief continues to exist until now though has undergone various changes in form and orientation. "Nglarung" ceremony procession, and other sea Alms that very attractive is most potential for tourism agendas.
According to Plato, Atlantis sank 9000 years before his time. Thus, about 11,600 years ago. Narrated in the Critias, earthquakes and floods have drowned cruel continent in just a day and night. Meanwhile, according to Arysio, Atlantis is described by Plato is a tropical world, with many forests, rivers and fruit trees, which then sank because of sea level rise when the north polar ice melt. Only the mountains are visible from the sea surface. Volcano series, Arysio said, used to be called Blest Islands, which is now called Indonesia.
Since long time the existence of Rara Kidul Nyi and the Kingdom of the South Sea is considered as a myth, as well as Atlantis. Same-same and there in the Indian Ocean and the equator. Could Atlantis is the kingdom of the South Sea which is now at the bottom of the sea? Is Nyi Rara Kidul highly respected and respected is The Queen of Atlantis? Certainly something interesting to be studied.
My opinion in this discussion, as written in my facebook Note (Anak Panah Zaman)and my discussion with Mr. Imam Tantowi, one of my friend as follows:
The conclusion of any Version of Nyi Rara Kidul is a girl as a Queen (Virgin) beautiful, Green fully (Peace Symbol, Fertile and Color of Heaven / Eden) powerful kingdom under the sea (drowned) I think Nyi Rara Kidul is the Queen of Atlantis. Try starting the positive thinking of the story that there was, continued to Prove with scientific research.
A tribe of the state judgments only be approximate calendar fuss his world with 2012. Even the story to the moon, UFOs, etc. of Sciences studied the result is Technology Space. So here, we examine in Science through research, perhaps in the slab Javanese Sumatran fault hundreds of kilometers beneath the sea is real historical proof that the Kingdom of strong, sturdy, ruled south beach .virgin we know Rara Kidul Nyi sinking because of tectonic earthquake . So, for this moment, Nyi Rara Kidul is The Queen of Atlantis for me. Let's do Research.
Mas Imam Tantowi, gemana The Virgin of the Java South Beach, aka Nyi Rara Kidul atawa The Queen of Atlantis contrived film that "scientific" with effect efect that make wow!. I would want to play as a prince. he he he. Ok?
Answer Mas Imam Tantowi (Famous Film Director):
That's the idea interesting, but what about mytos that Nyi Roro Kidul, always the wife of the Sultan of Mataram rulers, even to the Ngayojokarto and Surokarto ...? How about her virginity ?
My answer: Thats is the Problems. That is a problem that must be explored and answered through research. Sir. in frame of methodology, Mr. Imam has found 2 formulation problems. the more problems arise, more and more people want to know. If you do not see the answer, let the audience (if be made a movie) wondering so the audience will be more intelligent. At the same time with Research developments can be made many sequels. Virginity problem, we could use as a history of Goddess Masyithoh, although living with Pharaoh for years but still Virrgin. For example, because the charm and dignity, Nyi Rara Kidul, the king was as if, sorry, Nyi Rara intercourse with the king, but it's only imagination of the King (like virtual) only, and Nyi Rara Kidul actually watched it all wisely.
Important as learning how the community that something is not only be formulated as a myth, when can we open opportunities for scientific study.
Try if we want to grasp the lesson that Sultan Take time to catch lightning and can be the source of the eternal flame lit Merapen with not only as a myth, and to think creatively, we must have abundant electricity, PLN did not have to do periodicly extinction, because in fact we can think it in the frame of transformation energy.Kanjeng Sunan Kali Jaga has changed the energy of lightning that can destroy transformed into heat energy in the eternal flame Merapen useful.
Imam Tantowi: It's our nation's often chew only technology that came from the west only. Age had never thought that the atomic / nuclear energy can be extraordinary, when human beings discover new wind power as an energy (Sailing ship, pounding grain windmill, etc.) The catch lightning Waliullah, we digested just as "candra sengkala" ,when it was a symbol conquest of power for enargy.
Anak Panah Zaman : Maybe it's time, we also make changes in the orientation of our films have to have a "science-fiction touches" originating from folklore and beauty of the earth's equator background, I'm sure Mr. Imam has many resources to it ". resulting in the learning process make this nation a nation of intelligent (multiple intelligent) art, music, social, spiritual, economic, etc. change quickly.
You disagree? let's discuss.
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