Dalam karier apapun, kemampuan membangun jaringan kerja sangat penting. Anda ibgin Sukses Membangun Jaringan ? Ikuti Network Development Training , Minggu, 18 Juli 2010 Jam 12.00 di Matraman. Pemateri : Manger BUMN, PNS Depkeu, Dokter, Marinir dll. Ajak Semua Mitra Anda. Peminat Harap segera Pesan Tempat,
"While an enterprise is in its preliminary stage, it is the property of the owner; while the enterprise transforms into a multinational corporation, it should be the property of the society, the state and the people!"
By President Li Jinyuan

As a trusted corporate citizen, TIENS has witnessed grave situations, and adhered to a philosophy of corporate social responsibility. Contributing to the Society through harvesting orientation as the corporate charitable philosophy, TIENS is dedicated to the development of social charities in China and in the world. From focusing on disadvantaged groups and supporting education to protecting the environment and helping the poor, TIENS has attempted to make a contribution to the harmonious development of international society.
TIENS has consistently nurtured children's health and growth for years. In July 2004 TIENS donated RMB 3.5 million to the Tianjin Municipal Children's Art Theater in support of children's art. On May 26, 2005 TIENS donated RMB 10 million to the Chinese Red Cross Society to found the TIENS Charity Fund, and launched the TIENS Education Assistance Program and TIENS Western China Talent Cultivation Program to improve school conditions, promote the development of primary education in poverty-stricken and minority areas, and assist school leavers. In May 2002 TIENS donated 100 million Rupiah to Indonesian SOS Children Villages for the development of local SOS Children Villages. In June 2002 TIENS donated to the Ghana Children's Fund. The generous donations of Tiens Group have helped children all over the world maintain their health and happiness. In May, 2010, "TIENS Scholarship Program for Outstanding Students" was set up between Tiens Group and three universities, namely, Central University of Finance and Economics, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics and Tianjin University of Finance and Economics. In 2007, "Li Jinyuan Charitable Fund" was founded at China Charity with the investment of RMB 30 million. RMB 12 million was donated to China Education Development Foundation so as to officially set up "Li Jinyuan Education Imbursement Plan in China Education Development Foundation".
"Could I get mansions covering ten thousand miles, I'd house all the poor scholars and make them beam with smiles." said Du Fu, the great poet of the Tang Dynasty in Chinese history. This message guides Mr. Li Jinyuan to spread good fortune based on brotherly love to all citizens of the world. When the catastrophic floods in the Yangtze and Songhua Rivers happened in 1998, TIENS donated RMB 22 million to the people in the disaster area. When the SARS epidemic struck in the spring of 2003, Mr. Li Jinyuan, who was in Africa at the time, immediately returned to China, and held an urgent meeting the same night to donate RMB 3 million and healthcare products valued RMB 42 million. Money and materials valued more than RMB 23 million was donated to Wenchuan and other earthquake disaster areas in 2008. In 2010, the first donation valued RMB 7 million including money and materials was endowed to Yushu, Qinghai earthquake disaster area.
The love that TIENS has for mankind is a genuine friendship across borders. Where there is a disaster, TIENS is there to offer assistance. The tsunami produced a hell on earth for the people of Southeast Asia, where many families were broken up and without hope. Although the tsunami was merciless, humans were merciful. Under the leadership of Mr. Li Jinyuan, TIENS citizens donated approximately RMB 4 million to the disaster area.
It is common for TIENS to donate to charities of all races and ethnicities. Since 2003 TIENS has developed into a sophisticated charity with an efficient method of dispersing donations. TIENS Group founded the TIENS Meijing International Love Foundation in order to donate to public charities.
Up till now, TIENS has donated more than RMB 1.5 billion to social charities across the world. TIENS considers its charitable giving an all-embracing, border-crossing, never-ending duty.
June 7, 2010
Catatan : Selain dengan Gusdur, Mr. Li juga berkunjung ke PB NU, bahkan KH. Hasyim Musadi merestui Kaum Nahdliyin menjalankan bisnis Tianshi. Anda berminat bisnis ini ? daftar langsung, isi formulir online di kolom kanan, di bawah jumlah pengunjung.
On May 28th, five products in Tiens Group were awarded the Certification of China Environmental Labeling Product by China Environmental United Certification Center Co., Ltd., which is authorized by Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China. They are DiCHO silk wool cleaning agent, DiCHO fruit, vegetable and tableware cleaning agent, Oily Soil Cleaner, DiCHO underwear detergent and DiCHO super-concentrated fabric softener and detergent. This certification symbolizes Tiens Group's conformity with the mainstream of green consumption and has laid a solid foundation for its long-term development.
On March 20, "The Third China Credible Health Care Products and Brands Selection Activity" organized by China Health Care Association was held at the Great Hall of the People. During the activity, TIENS "Nutrient Super Calcium Powder","Cordyceps Capsules", "Vitality Softgels", "Chitosan Capsules" and other five products won the honor of "100 Credible Health Care Products in China", and TIENS won the title of "Top 10 Credible Health Care Brand in China in the Third Session". Tiens Group has won the award for several consecutive years, which proves that customers recognize and trust TIENS products.
China Healthcare Association opened its second Top China Healthcare Brands award nomination night on March 12th in Beijing in all pomp and grandeur. Tiens bagged 4 "Top 50 Most Trusted Healthcare Products" awards with Tiens Hi-Calcium, Tiens Cordicep Capsules, Tiens Chitosan Capsules and Tiens Slimming Tea plus the prestigious "Top 10 Most Trusted Brands" award. Tiens has been a big winner for the second year running, a proof of its market leadership as a manufacturer and exporter in healthcare business .
On February 29th Tiens Biological Development Co Ltd, Tianjin was awarded the QS certificates(manufacturing approval) for Tiens White Coffee(solid drink) and Tiens Hi-Calcium Milk Powder(dairy product). Both certificates will expire on February 18th 2011.
TIENS Zinc Capsules produced by Tianjin Tianshi BioEngineering Co., Ltd. has been honored as "Tianjin Branded Product" for a period of 3 years. This is a recognition for Tiens Brands as well as the continuous improvement of quality management of Tiens Group. Zinc Capsules is mainly made of zinc lactate and glucose with high absorption rate. It replenishes the daily requirement of zinc of the body effectively.
Jangan berkhianat pada ketulusan
karena dia mahkota kebahagiaan
Jangan pernah bersujud pada dendam dan kebencian,
Karena dia mata air kehinaan
Berjalanlah dengan Jiwa embun
Karena kesejukannya memusnahkan segala duka daan sengsara.
Terbanglah ke langit keabadian
dengan jubah kezuhudan
untuk memetik bintang gemintang kemenangan
dan menabur cahaya harapan
kepada penjelajah semesta cita
Kuarungi buana semesta
Tuk menapaki depa sedepa Munthaha raya
Menerawang neraka nan garang, membidik keasrian Nirwana
Memotret keagungan Kursyi-Nya
Dengan phibeta kamera
Kan kupasang replika kursyi-Nya
Di setiap ruang terbuka kota kota
Dimana taman-taman Firdaus kubangun di atasnya
Sehingga anak semua bangsa
Ceria bermain bersama
Dengan terus berdendang lagu Hari Merdeka
Dan Mars Sudah Bebas Bumi Kita
Dari cengkraman Dasa Muka,
Yang bertiwikrama menjelma Sang Dorna
Lelaki tua di tebing pantai nan terjal
menatap ngungun bahtera yang berlajar meninggalkannya
mengarungi riak, alun, dan puncak-puncak ombak bergantian
Entah menuju kemana
Yang pasti sauh telah dicabut,
dan angin buritan membawanya ke tengan samudra
Tak mungkin ditahan lelaki tua
di tebing pantai nan terjal,
yang hanya bebekal sajadah kumal
Lelaki tua yang ngungun akhirnya tersungkur,
di tebing pantai yang terjal hanya bisa membelai
satu satunya yang ia bawa,
sebuah sajadah kumal
Dingin menohok lelaki di atas sajadah kumal
di tebing pantai yang terjal
Dia mengigau tentang kidung samudra raya
dalam guru lagu macapat maskumambang
memanggil pendar cahaya
untuk menyalakan pelita di hatinya
Tapi malam terlalu kelam
dan badai daratan yang kejam,
menghempaskan dirinya bagai kapas
terjerembab di kegelapan lautan ,
Lelaki tua berteriak ketakutan :
Ely ... Ely..... Lamma Sabachtani
dan tidur meninabobokan kengerian
Lelaki tua bersajadah kumal
terdampar di buritan sebuah kapal
berbendera hijau bertuliskan :
"Kami Bukan Teroris, Kami Sekedar Menuntut Keadilan"
Tersadar masih punya harapan,
Lelaki tua menangis syujud syukur,
di atas sajadah kumal
Yang ia bawa sebagai kesaksian.
Kepada semua anak kapal,
Lelaki tua bersajadah kumal,
bercerita tentang makna beda kadar garam lautan
bagi elan vital kehidupan
Lalu menatap satu persatu awak kapal
dengan senyum ramah dia tanyakan berulang :
"Maka nikmat Tuhan Kamu yang Manakah yang kamu dustakan ?"
"Fabiayyi aalaa irobikuma tukadziman ?"
"Where is God Blessing that you have been Lie ?"
"Maka nikmat tuhan Kamu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan ?"
Lalu gemuruh badai menggoncang perjalanan kapal
Mereka larut teriakan teriakan Takbir : Allahu Akbar !
Lelaki tua bersajadah kumal,
Tetap khusyu dalam doa Nuh menyongsong perjalan ke puncak kebaruan
"Bismillahi Majreha Wamursaha, Inna Robbi Laghofuururrahiim"
Dan dia selamat dipuncak bukit Judd, Puncak kebaruan kehidupan"
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