Wikileaks Gate mewarnai akhir perjalan waktu tahun ini. Skandal ini mengungkapkan pada kita, bahwa dunia ini memang Panggung Sandiwara Sejati . Sopan santun, keakraban, kesetaraan, penghormatan, hanyalah basa-basi yang ternayata di balik itu semua berdiri tegak tembok kesombongan, kecongkakan, penghianatan, penghinaan, dendam, pelecehan dan hal-hal busuk lainnya. Terasa kita harus hidup untuk menghadapi hal tunggal: kebusukan ! Coba kita baca kasus yang terjadi di Arab Saudi yang dilansir Kompas.Com berikut :
Para diplomat AS, dalam kawat diplomatik yang dibocorkan WikiLeaks, menggambarkan dunia seks, narkoba dan rock'n'roll di balik kasalehan formal kerajaan Arab Saudi.
Para pejabat Konsulat AS di Jeddah menggambarkan sebuah pesta Halloween bawah tanah, yang digelar tahun lalu oleh seorang anggota keluarga kerajaan, yang menabrak semua tabu di negara Islam itu. Minuman keras dan para pelacur hadir dalam jumlah berlimpah, demikian menurut bocoran itu, di balik pintu gerbang vila yang dijaga ketat.
Pesta tersebut digelar oleh seorang pangeran kaya dari keluarga besar Al-Thunayan. Para diplomat itu mengatakan identitasnya harus dirahasiakan.
"Alkohol, meskipun sangat dilarang oleh hukum dan pabean Saudi, sangat berlimpah di bar pesta itu dengan koleksi yang lengkap. Bartender Filipina yang disewa menyajikan koktail sadiqi, sebuah minuman keras buatan lokal," kata kawat itu sebagaimana dilasir The Guardian. "Juga diketahui dari mulut ke mulut bahwa sejumlah tamu (pada pesta itu) pada kenyataan adalah 'gadis panggilan', sesuatu yang tidak biasa untuk pesta semacam itu.
Kiriman informasi dari para diplomat AS itu, ditandatangani oleh konsul AS di Jeddah, Martin Quinn, yang menambahkan, "Meski tidak menyaksikan langsung peristiwa tersebut, kokain dan hashishsh (ganja) digunakan secara umum dalam lingkungan sosial semacam itu."
Pesta bawah tanah sedang "berkembang dan berdenyut" di Arab Saudi berkat perlindungan dari kerajaan Saudi, kata kawat itu. Namun pesta semacam itu hanya tersedia di balik pintu tertutup dan untuk orang yang sangat kaya. Terdapat sedikitnya 10.000 pangeran di kerajaan itu. Beberapa masih merupakan keturunan langsung Raja Abdul Aziz, sementara yang lain berasal dari cabang keluarga yang tidak langsung.
Para diplomat yang hadir dalam pesta itu melaporkan, lebih dari 150 pria dan perempuan Saudi, sebagian besar berusia 20-an dan 30-an tahun, hadir dalam pesta tersebut. Perlindungan dari kerajaan berarti kecemasan akan diserga polisi agama menjadi tidak mungkin. Orang-orang yang masuk dikontrol melalui daftar tamu yang ketat. "Adegannya mirip sebuah klub malam di manapun di luar kerajaan itu: banyak alkohol, pasangan muda yang menari-nari, seorang DJ di turntable dan semua orang berdandan."
Bocoran itu mengatakan, rak di bar tempat pesta itu menampilkan jenis-jenis minuman keras terkenal.
Para diplomat itu juga mencoba menjelaskan mengapa sang tuan rumah begitu lengket dengan pengawal Nigeria, beberapa di antaranya berjaga-jaga di pintu. "Sebagian besar pasukan keamanan sang pangeran adalah laki-laki muda Nigeria. Merupakan praktek yang umum di kalangan para pangeran Saudi untuk tumbuh bersama para pengawal yang disewa dari Nigeria atau negara-negara Afrika lainnya yang berusia muda, (seusia dengan para pangeran itu) dan akan tetap bersama dengan pangeran tersebut hingga dewasa. Waktu bersama yang lama menciptakan ikatan kesetiaan yang intens"
Seorang pemuda Saudi mengatakan kepada diplomat itu bahwa pesta besar merupakan tren baru. Hingga beberapa tahun lalu, katanya, kegiatan akhir pekan hanya berupa "kencan" dalam kelompok-kelompok kecil yang bertemu di dalam rumah orang kaya. Menurut bocaran itu, beberapa rumah mewah di Jeddah memiliki basement bar, diskotik dan klub.
Masih adakah pilihan ?
Diantara Stimulus dan respons terdapat ruang untuk memilih. Ruang untuk memilih inilah Anugerah terbesar bagi manusia dibanding mahluk lain. Dan anugerah terbesar ini akan menjadi sebuah keagungan jika pilihan-pilihan kita terbimbing oleh kekuatan yang disebut Hidayah. Pilihan-pilihan yang terbimbing hidayah ini akan menghasilkan kemuliaan.
Pilihan yang tak terbimbing oleh hidayah membuat kerugian bagi diri sendiri, Inilah yang terjadi pada Putra nabiyullah Nuh A.S. Dan piliham yang terbimbing hidayah, dari mereka yang rendah hati, telah menyelamatkan mereka di Perahu Nabi Nuh yang pada akhirnya mendarat di Puncak Juddi, Puncak Kebaruan. Kita memperinagti. Hari Hidup di Puncak Kebaruan I Muharram ini.
HIJRAH hakekatnya Perubahan Paradigma hidup, perubahan strategy perjuangan dan melakukan hal-hal lebih baik dalam hidup ini untuk hidup bersama yang lebih baik. Selamat Berhijrah !.
Hijrah Is A Must !
Hijrah mean we change our paradigm of life, using the new wise to do better than before for our life, our earth, and our humannity, to life together in a harmony !.
Happy New Life !

(Darwono Tuan Guru)

WikiLeaks is a not-for-profit media organisation. Our goal is to bring important news and information to the public. We provide an innovative, secure and anonymous way for sources to leak information to our journalists (our electronic drop box). One of our most important activities is to publish original source material alongside our news stories so readers and historians alike can see evidence of the truth. We are a young organisation that has grown very quickly, relying on a network of dedicated volunteers around the globe. Since 2007, when the organisation was officially launched, WikiLeaks has worked to report on and publish important information. We also develop and adapt technologies to support these activities.
WikiLeaks has sustained and triumphed against legal and political attacks designed to silence our publishing organisation, our journalists and our anonymous sources. The broader principles on which our work is based are the defence of freedom of speech and media publishing, the improvement of our common historical record and the support of the rights of all people to create new history. We derive these principles from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In particular, Article 19 inspires the work of our journalists and other volunteers. It states that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. We agree, and we seek to uphold this and the other Articles of the Declaration.
1.2 How WikiLeaks works
WikiLeaks has combined high-end security technologies with journalism and ethical principles. Like other media outlets conducting investigative journalism, we accept (but do not solicit) anonymous sources of information. Unlike other outlets, we provide a high security anonymous drop box fortified by cutting-edge cryptographic information technologies. This provides maximum protection to our sources. We are fearless in our efforts to get the unvarnished truth out to the public. When information comes in, our journalists analyse the material, verify it and write a news piece about it describing its significance to society. We then publish both the news story and the original material in order to enable readers to analyse the story in the context of the original source material themselves. Our news stories are in the comfortable presentation style of Wikipedia, although the two organisations are not otherwise related. Unlike Wikipedia, random readers can not edit our source documents.
As the media organisation has grown and developed, WikiLeaks been developing and improving a harm minimisation procedure. We do not censor our news, but from time to time we may remove or significantly delay the publication of some identifying details from original documents to protect life and limb of innocent people.
We accept leaked material in person and via postal drops as alternative methods, although we recommend the anonymous electronic drop box as the preferred method of submitting any material. We do not ask for material, but we make sure that if material is going to be submitted it is done securely and that the source is well protected. Because we receive so much information, and we have limited resources, it may take time to review a source's submission.
We also have a network of talented lawyers around the globe who are personally committed to the principles that WikiLeaks is based on, and who defend our media organisation.
1.3 Why the media (and particularly Wiki leaks) is important
Publishing improves transparency, and this transparency creates a better society for all people. Better scrutiny leads to reduced corruption and stronger democracies in all society's institutions, including government, corporations and other organisations. A healthy, vibrant and inquisitive journalistic media plays a vital role in achieving these goals. We are part of that media.
Scrutiny requires information. Historically, information has been costly in terms of human life, human rights and economics. As a result of technical advances particularly the internet and cryptography - the risks of conveying important information can be lowered. In its landmark ruling on the Pentagon Papers, the US Supreme Court ruled that "only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government." We agree.
We believe that it is not only the people of one country that keep their own government honest, but also the people of other countries who are watching that government through the media.
In the years leading up to the founding of WikiLeaks, we observed the world's publishing media becoming less independent and far less willing to ask the hard questions of government, corporations and other institutions. We believed this needed to change.
WikiLeaks has provided a new model of journalism. Because we are not motivated by making a profit, we work cooperatively with other publishing and media organisations around the globe, instead of following the traditional model of competing with other media. We don't hoard our information; we make the original documents available with our news stories. Readers can verify the truth of what we have reported themselves. Like a wire service, WikiLeaks reports stories that are often picked up by other media outlets. We encourage this. We believe the world's media should work together as much as possible to bring stories to a broad international readership.
1.4 How WikiLeaks verifies its news stories
We assess all news stories and test their veracity. We send a submitted document through a very detailed examination a procedure. Is it real? What elements prove it is real? Who would have the motive to fake such a document and why? We use traditional investigative journalism techniques as well as more modern rtechnology-based methods. Typically we will do a forensic analysis of the document, determine the cost of forgery, means, motive, opportunity, the claims of the apparent authoring organisation, and answer a set of other detailed questions about the document. We may also seek external verification of the document For example, for our release of the Collateral Murder video, we sent a team of journalists to Iraq to interview the victims and observers of the helicopter attack. The team obtained copies of hospital records, death certificates, eye witness statements and other corroborating evidence supporting the truth of the story. Our verification process does not mean we will never make a mistake, but so far our method has meant that WikiLeaks has correctly identified the veracity of every document it has published.
Publishing the original source material behind each of our stories is the way in which we show the public that our story is authentic. Readers don't have to take our word for it; they can see for themselves. In this way, we also support the work of other journalism organisations, for they can view and use the original documents freely as well. Other journalists may well see an angle or detail in the document that we were not aware of in the first instance. By making the documents freely available, we hope to expand analysis and comment by all the media. Most of all, we want readers know the truth so they can make up their own minds.
1.5 The people behind WikiLeaks
WikiLeaks is a project of the Sunshine Press. It's probably pretty clear by now that WikiLeaks is not a front for any intelligence agency or government despite a rumour to that effect. This rumour was started early in WikiLeaks' existence, possibly by the intelligence agencies themselves. WikiLeaks is an independent global group of people with a long standing dedication to the idea of a free press and the improved transparency in society that comes from this. The group includes accredited journalists, software programmers, network engineers, mathematicians and others.
To determine the truth of our statements on this, simply look at the evidence. By definition, intelligence agencies want to hoard information. By contrast, WikiLeaks has shown that it wants to do just the opposite. Our track record shows we go to great lengths to bring the truth to the world without fear or favour.
The great American president Thomas Jefferson once observed that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. We believe the journalistic media plays a key role in this vigilance.
1.6 Anonymity for sources
As far as we can ascertain, WikiLeaks has never revealed any of its sources. We can not provide details about the security of our media organisation or its anonymous drop box for sources because to do so would help those who would like to compromise the security of our organisation and its sources. What we can say is that we operate a number of servers across multiple international jurisdictions and we we do not keep logs. Hence these logs can not be seized. Anonymization occurs early in the WikiLeaks network, long before information passes to our web servers. Without specialized global internet traffic analysis, multiple parts of our organisation must conspire with each other to strip submitters of their anonymity.
However, we also provide instructions on how to submit material to us, via net cafes, wireless hot spots and even the post so that even if WikiLeaks is infiltrated by an external agency, sources can still not be traced. Because sources who are of substantial political or intelligence interest may have their computers bugged or their homes fitted with hidden video cameras, we suggest that if sources are going to send WikiLeaks something very sensitive, they do so away from the home and work.
A number of governments block access to any address with WikiLeaks in the name. There are ways around this. WikiLeaks has many cover domains, such as https://destiny.mooo.com, that don't have the organisation in the name. It is possible to write to us or ask around for other cover domain addresses. Please make sure the cryptographic certificate says wikileaks.org .
2. WikiLeaks' journalism record
2.1 Prizes and background
WikiLeaks is the winner of:
the 2008 Economist Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression award
the 2009 Amnesty International human rights reporting award (New Media)
WikiLeaks has a history breaking major stories in major media outlets and robustly protecting sources and press freedoms. We have never revealed a source. We do not censor material. Since formation in 2007, WikiLeaks has been victorious over every legal (and illegal) attack, including those from the Pentagon, the Chinese Public Security Bureau, the Former president of Kenya, the Premier of Bermuda, Scientology, the Catholic & Mormon Church, the largest Swiss private bank, and Russian companies. WikiLeaks has released more classified intelligence documents than the rest of the world press combined.
2.2 Some of the stories we have broken
War, killings, torture and detention
Government, trade and corporate transparency
Suppression of free speech and a free press
Diplomacy, spying and (counter-)intelligence
Ecology, climate, nature and sciences
Corruption, finance, taxes, trading
Censorship technology and internet filtering
Cults and other religious organizations
Abuse, violence, violation
War, killings, torture and detention
Changes in Guantanamo Bay SOP manual (2003-2004) - Guantanamo Bay's main operations manuals Of Orwell, Wikipedia and Guantanamo Bay - In where we track down and expose Guantanamo Bay's propaganda team
Fallujah jail challenges US - Classified U.S. report into appalling prison conditions in Fallujah
U.S lost Fallujah's info war - Classified U.S. intelligence report on the battle of Fallujah, Iraq
US Military Equipment in Iraq (2007) - Entire unit by unit equipment list of the U.S army in Iraq
Dili investigator called to Canberra as evidence of execution mounts - the Feb 2008 killing of East Timor rebel leader Reinado
Como entrenar a escuadrones de la muerte y aplastar revoluciones de El Salvador a Iraq - The U.S. Special Forces manual on how to prop up unpopular government with paramilitaries
Government, trade and corporate transparency
Change you can download: a billion in secret Congressional reports - Publication of more than 6500 Congressional Research Reports, worth more than a billion dollars of US tax-funded research, long sought after by NGOs, academics and researchers
ACTA trade agreement negotiation lacks transparency - The secret ACTA trade agreement draft, followed by dozens of other publications, presenting the initial leak for the whole ACTA debate happening today
Toll Collect Vertraege, 2002 - Publication of around 10.000 pages of a secret contract between the German federal government and the Toll Collect consortium, a private operator group for heavy vehicle tolling system
Leaked documents suggest European CAP reform just a whitewash - European farm reform exposed
Stasi still in charge of Stasi files - Suppressed 2007 investigation into infiltration of former Stasi into the Stasi files commission
IGES Schlussbericht Private Krankenversicherung, 25 Jan 2010 - Hidden report on the economics of the German private health insurance system and its rentability
Suppression of free speech and a free press
The Independent: Toxic Shame: Thousands injured in African city, 17 Sep 2009 - Publication of an article originally published in UK newspaper The Independent, but censored from the Independent's website. WikiLeaks has saved dozens of articles, radio and tv recordings from disappearing after having been censored from BBC, Guardian, and other major news organisations archives.
Secret gag on UK Times preventing publication of Minton report into toxic waste dumping, 16 Sep 2009 - Publication of variations of a so-called super-injunction, one of many gag-orders published by WikiLeaks to expose successful attempts to suppress the free press via repressive legal attacks
Media suppression order over Turks and Caicos Islands Commission of Inquiry corruption report, 20 Jul 2009 - Exposure of a press gagging order from the Turks and Caicos Islands, related to WikiLeaks exposure of the Commission of Inquiry corruption report
Bermuda's Premier Brown and the BCC bankdraft - Brown went to the Privy council London to censor the press in Bermuda
How German intelligence infiltrated Focus magazine - Illegal spying on German journalists
Diplomacy, spying and (counter-)intelligence
U.S. Intelligence planned to destroy WikiLeaks, 18 Mar 2008 - Classified (SECRET/NOFORN) 32 page U.S. counterintelligence investigation into WikiLeaks. Has been in the worldwide news.
CIA report into shoring up Afghan war support in Western Europe, 11 Mar 2010 - This classified CIA analysis from March, outlines possible PR-strategies to shore up public support in Germany and France for a continued war in Afghanistan. Received international news coverage in print, radio and TV.
U.S. Embassy profiles on Icelandic PM, Foreign Minister, Ambassador - Publication of personal profiles for briefing documents for U.S. officials visiting Iceland. While lowly classified are interesting for subtle tone and internal facts.
Cross-border clashes from Iraq O.K. - Classified documents reveal destabalizing U.S. military rules
Tehran Warns US Forces against Chasing Suspects into Iran - Iran warns the United States over classified document on WikiLeaks
Inside Somalia and the Union of Islamic Courts - Vital strategy documents in the Somali war and a play for Chinese support
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